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The history of StarQuest

My name is Edgar and more than 20 years ago I began a very deep QUEST, which led me to discover a dimension of love within my being and a purpose to fulfill and to serve others.

Since I was little I wanted to know the hidden secrets of the ancient world inspired from 2 sources, the first was the stories narrated by my Maternal Grandmother of my Grandfather whom I described beyond his human part, as a wise person of Zapotec blood with a baton of command that He spoke several native languages to teach kids in rural communities ​​and belonged to a secret group, and on the other hand, I was inspired by a Mexican superhero named "Kaliman" whose adventures were narrated on the radio, he was a hero with esoteric wisdom of different cultures.

One day I found a book with strange characters and it talked about meditation and described mental states whose author had a very strange name, it was a book in Sanskrit whose name I don't remember but it stayed in my memory for a long time the words "divine grace".

Other time a friend invited me to participate with some Taitas from Peru, we went to a path between 2 volcanoes, Iztaccihuatl and Popocatepetl, there I witnessed a ritual that called the power of the mountains, if you had a stone from a mountain, you could call their presence to help you, but I also went through difficult times before I could finally see the path of my spiritual search and with it the secrets of the ancient world that were always before me in my own culture, just as my grandmother told me, but one day I received the invitation to consecrate mushrooms in some sacred mountains, Tepoztlán, there I discovered a dimension of love in nature after consecrating the medicine of the mushrooms (Teonanácatl, the flesh of God) that love that I saw in the nature was the reflection of my soul vibrating with life in a "divine grace" state and start to discover my mission in life ... to continue

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