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Authentic rituals
StarQuest represents the union of diverse cultures, spiritual paths and ancient traditions of Sacred Medicines (mainly Mexico and Brazil), dedicated to heal, evolve and expand the spiritual consciousness. Together, these ancestral practices form a profound path of sacred wisdom for understanding our true selves and the existance.
In each ceremony, sacred wisdom is transmitted as our ancestor did generation by generation.
Also in the mid of the rituals the attendants receive a traditional mexican healing.
This are not rituals or therapies for everyone, nor are it a recreational experiences.
The time to open the sacred wisdom has arrive.
These medicines can be used individually in a separate session and are used optionally during rituals, except with sacred mushrooms.
Has deep roots in indigenous cultures, particularly among the Amazonian tribes. Them believe possesses powerful spiritual and medicinal properties that help them connect with the divine, heal illnesses, and enhance their physical and mental capacities.
Is used for a variety of purposes, including spiritual cleansing, grounding, and centering. Its potent effects can help clear negative energy, release emotional blockages, and promote a sense of clarity and focus. It is also used in traditional medicine to treat a range of physical ailments, such as headaches, respiratory issues, and digestive disorders.
Are used together by communities during mambear; a practice where people gather in community to share stories and wisdom between elders and younger generations, discuss important matters, make decisions, or simply sing together. If you've ever heard of a Círculo de Palabra, or circle of word, mambe and ambil are often used in these gatherings.
Traditionally, ambil is known as "the companion of thought" and should always be taken with mambe. Mambe loosens the tongue, granting individuals the power of speech through storytelling, eloquence, and honesty. Ambil, on the other hand, opens the ears and mind to truly listen to what is being spoken. In this way, mambe and ambil facilitate a flow of communication during a sharing circle.
The term ‘sananga’ denotes several forms of traditional eye drops employed in certain Amazonian cultures. These medicinal eye drops are used by Amazonian groups like the Matsés, Huni Kuin, Yawanawá, and Ticuna, valued for their wide-ranging healing qualities and their role in spiritual exploration.
Sananga is said to offer benefits such as treating eye ailments and improving visual sharpness for hunting. Additionally, it is sometimes applied as a general remedy to alleviate different types of pain and ailments.